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History of viticulture Wines from Tenerife Wines from Lanzarote
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>> If not banana ...?
>> History of viticulture
>> Wines from Tenerife
>> Wines from Lanzarote
>> Impressum

Wines from Lanzarote

Lanzarote of the area of almost 2000 hectares is the second per size Canarias viticulture area after Tenerife. You can hardly believe that watching how grape-vines are grown there. Single plants are laboriously places in moulds. The main reason is the volcanic soil base because of large volcano eruptions in the years 1730 - 1736 was covered by a barren layer of volcanic shingles and ash. Because the grapes are planted deeper, the roots reach the fertile basic ground. Apart from that, they are protected against dry and partly hot winds, reaching there from the African Sahara, which can damage the grape-vines. The volcanic shingles perform a similar goal as e.g. the known Seramis stones. The volcanic rock stores moisture what, in such a place as Lanzarote is particularly import ant because the rains are very rare there.

In that case a delicious white wine is the final product which is very fruitful and strong in taste. When you buy it, please pay your attention no to mistake the mark „Seco“ with a dry wine. It is not as dry as the name could indicate.

Wine regions La Geria and Bodega El Grifo are very well known which history reaches the year 1775 and which wines are available also on other Canarias Island in local markets.

In Lanzarote, today old species of Malvasier are grown again, however not those totally sweet species which were so popular in the Medieval time in Europe.

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